Our Breads

Every day, we bake several types of sourdough breads, with fresh batches. Our flour is Italian and we import it ourselves. We select our flour very carefully, testing only the highest quality types. All our breads are sugar and free. We make our breads from the crops. We have traveled in time to offer our customers the "Ancient" breads.

Sourdough Bread

In production we use special wheat flour, water and salt. Nothing else.

Country Bread

The best to eat it hot, straight from the oven with butter and salt.

Smoked Pumpkin Seed Bread

Ingredients: White flour, durum, caramel barley, melon, smoked pumpkin, graskers and sunflower seeds, water

Spelt Bread

Spelled is an old Egyptian barley containing soft gluten than plain flour, is known for lightness and naturally sweet taste.

Rye Bread

The content is mostly seeds and kernels or about 80% and the rest is mixed with flour and rye flour.

Bulgur Bread

High proportion of fiber and protein but low in carbohydrates.

Barley Bread

Ingredients: White flour, buckwheat, barley, water and salt from saltworks mixed with barley flakes

Enkir Bread

This wheat has high protein levels and also a lot of selenium and more vitamins.

Khorasan (Kamut) Bread

Bread with Khorasan flour is popular among athletes and all those seeking a healthy and energy-rich diet.

Quinoa Bread

Super food bread which will provide a lot of vitamins and nutritional values


The crust is crisp, perfect and the bread is soft and delicious.

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